Monday, December 31, 2012

Running With Sharp Things - The Secret World

Nosy Gamer told me that there were free items in the Item Store for the Secret World.  On my way to starting it, finally this weekend (Eve really does keep me occupied) I saw the button on the launcher and decided to look.  It took me a moment to find the claim item button and see what was there.  A bunch of stuff, some clothing, a bird, a drink, and some supposedly awesome newbie weapons.

We shall see if I have a sword now. If not, I left the game last time having earned two skill points which should be enough to buy a starter sword from one of the shops. I think.  I haven't spent much time with the market concept.  I have broken items and I need to fix them.  I also really, really need to figure out how to heal myself or something.

I wound up logging in and running back to the start to get a sword.  When I made it back to the zombie town I have been working through I figured out how to get my free stuff in which there was a better sword.  Sigh.  Oh well.  I dumped some skill points and the AP things into some sword stuff and now I am a bad ass!

Okay, I almost died but look at all that dead stuff!  I'm still working through side missions.  I have learned that you can redo some of the simple and easy ones over and over again after their cool downs.  I picked up one of the very first ones when I ran back into town and dropped it off for free experience pretty much.  I'm not sure how I feel about that but if someone is more interested in things like experience then playing the game that might work for them.

I wound up doing two more quests.  One I again went to google for help instead of banging my head against a wall. It was for a code.  I need to do these quests less broken I think. I didn't remember from when I last played what the clues even where.  Breaking up quests or missions or whatever they are called like that is a bad idea for the future and I will resolve to do them on days when I have time.

I also did a gather quest which rendered me dead to firefighters again.  I am even on fire during the cut scenes.  It must be one of my fire skills. I still don't know why I ran around burning but I do.

I'm still engaging in a lot of group help. If someone is being mobbed by zombies I step in and assist.  People seem to do the same for me.  I've never yet talked to anyone but the mutual help thing seems to be working out.

I'm finding the cut scenes easier to deal with.  Now I know that I'm going to get one when I start someones mission string.  I'm not just walking into them every time I go close to a NPC.  This has allowed me to relax and focus on the story some more.  This one zone that I am in feels absolutely enormous with a lot to do.  The sound effects are also really good.  The zombies are pretty zombie acting and you don't have to just cut your way through things.  With cautious movement I can often achieve goals around zombies much stronger then I am.  I feel rewarded for thinking.

After I gathered everything and turned in this quest I had to go and kill things on Eve. That occupied the rest of my evening.  :P

The moral of the story is: Swords are good. I wish it had been more clear at the start that I could have picked multiple weapons.


  1. I got the game for Christmas and started playing right away and ran in to the fire thingy just a couple days ago. I remembered reading about it in your blog :)

    One possible reason you're on fire is probably because you're using elemental magic an have picked an ability which gives you an auto crit (or auto massive damage or something - I forget) when you have 7 elemental resources stored. I noticed that I was also on fire and when I looked at my resources counter, noticed I had the magical aforementioned 7 elemental resources and that when I used them (by activating certain abilities in combat), the fire went away. At least until I built up 7 resources again :)

    I also do the random assist thing when I notice someone having trouble, again with no acknowledgement. Most times it works out okay, but there have also been a few where the person I was helping let the hostiles go after me while they bugged out and I then died. Oh well. Helping also got me my first group and first 2 friends in-game last night, so on balance, I'm going to continue doing it. It was just a standard mission, but apparently they'd been having probs with it, too, so, yay.

    Oh, and thank you for doing a very wonderful job of keeping spoilers out of your TSW posts. Your posts, plus some others I've read on different blogs, were what convinced me to take the plunge and get the game. The tone of your posts - the just jump in and do it attitude - has been a great help in having me let go of my standard EvE risk aversion and I'm loving TSW even more for it.

    It may even bleed over into my EvE play :)

    1. Thanks!

      I try to keep the spoilers out because I know that is a major part of the game for a lot of people when the game is story focused. I hope I don't sound to vague as I attempt to be vague but still show that it's interesting.

      Eve is the only game that I play that I am cautious in. Everything else, I'm the person that jumps off of cliffs to see if there is a pathway down to a secret area. In fact, I fell off one of the travel paths for TSW when I went back to get my training sword. I'm special that way.
